About The Wynner Shop
Starting Nov 2022, The Wynner Shop was originally started by g(WYN) to make some money on the side while finding work and pursuing art. After much time and experience, Wyn, g(WYN)'s artist persona, has found some of her footing with the shop and uses this shop as a creative outlet for her ideas and creations. She is also currently pursuing her master's degree, which takes a lot out of her, but if you ask her why she still runs the shop, she would say, "Because I need to have both art and science in my life to be balanced."
Wyn's husband, s(eth), and sibling often accompany her to the many markets that she does in the Orlando area and help her pack orders from ETSY when she gets swamped. Her many influences for her art, research, and shop come from many places, but Wyn is most grateful for the friends she made along the way.